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Aardvark happily disregards the following types of email messages:
Requests to model a particular aircraft type.
Repaint requests.
"What are you building now?"
Problems associated with trying to fly our aircraft yourself. (Our aircraft are for AI USE ONLY)

We suggest that you ask these sorts of questions in our forum.

 AI Aardvark  MD-87  repaints

Repaints available for the AI Aardvark MD-87 (that we are aware of)

Airlines with a RED background like this were painted by AARDVARK

Can't find a file at AVSIM? Try using their file library's handy SEARCH feature!
Using the filename as a search term usually will locate it for you.

Repaints posted after April 1, 2006 are not listed.

The repaints listed here are by no means the only repaints available.
We generally only list repaints that can be found at avsim or flightsim.com.
We do not list single files that contain more than one airline, or more than one aircraft type, nor do we list fictional repaints.

MD-87 Base Model
David Rawlins
aia_md87.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
MD-87 Paintkit
David Rawlins
aimd87pk.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
422 Holdings
Federico Permutti
amd87422.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
David Rawlins
amd87amx.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Allegiant Air
Steve Tran
amd87aay.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Tony Fosler
amd87ibe.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Japan Airlines (JAL)
Phillip Tan
amd87jal.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Japan Air System (JAS)
Phillip Tan
amd87jas.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Federico Permutti
amd87keb.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Federico Permutti
amd87mgm.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Nordic Leisure
Steve Tran
amd87nrd.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Scandinavian (SAS)
Boback Shahsafdari
amd87sas.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Denis Schranz
amd87jkk.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)