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Repaint requests.
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We suggest that you ask these sorts of questions in our forum.

 AI Aardvark  727-100 repaints

Repaints available for the AI Aardvark 727-100 (that we are aware of)

Airlines with a RED background like this were painted by AARDVARK

Can't find a file at AVSIM? Try using their file library's handy SEARCH feature!
Using the filename as a search term usually will locate it for you.

Repaints posted after April 1, 2006 are not listed.

The repaints listed here are by no means the only repaints available.
We generally only list repaints that can be found at avsim or flightsim.com.
We do not list single files that contain more than one airline, or more than one aircraft type, nor do we list fictional repaints.


Paint kit for the AI Aardvark 727-100
(standard & winglet versions)

Includes uncompressed bmp textures as well a layered Photoshop file for Photoshop users.
Also has a separate full body and tail .psd for ease in painting the multi-part fuselage

David Rawlins
aia721pk.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Andrew Jarvis
3d-dpt.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Tony Fosler
Hernan Anibarro
texture.asu.zip (AVSIM)
A.I.M.E.S. Flight Operations (2 liveries)
Andrew Jarvis
5b-dbe.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Air 1
Henry Tomkiewicz
aonb721.zip (AVSIM)
Air Atlanta
Henry Tomkiewicz
crbb721.zip (AVSIM)
Air Gemini Cargo
Tony Fosler
aia721gemini.zip (AVSIM)
Air Guinee
Andrew Jarvis
3x-gch.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Air Panama
Sheppard Avery
op727rai.zip  (AVSIM)
Alaska Airlines (1970's)
Brent Blackburn
bbalaska_727_100_70s.zip (AVSIM)
Alaska Airlines (1980's)
Sheppard Avery
as727ra2.zip (AVSIM)
Alaska Airlines (1980's)
Sheppard Avery
as727rai.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
All Canada Express
Francesco Zoja
aia_b727_100_all_canada_express.zip (AVSIM)
American Airlines
Henry Tomkiewicz
aalb721.zip (AVSIM)
American Trans Air
Henry Tomkiewicz
amtb721.zip (AVSIM)
Angola Air Charter
Tony Fosler
aia721angola.zip (AVSIM)
Andrew Jarvis
4x-bae.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Australian Air Express
Tony Fosler
aia721ausairex.zip (AVSIM)
Pablo Rivero
ve721rt.zip  (FLIGHTSIM)
Pablo Rivero
ve721.zip  (FLIGHTSIM)
Sheppard Avery
gu727rai.zip  (AVSIM)
Braniff International 'Ultra Chocolate Brown"
Henry Tomkiewicz
bnfb721c.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International 'Ultra Corvette Blue"
Henry Tomkiewicz
bnfb721b.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International 'Ultra Perseus Green"
Henry Tomkiewicz
bnfb721g.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International 'Flying Colors' (Blue)
Sheppard Avery
fcbl727.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International 'Flying Colors' (Green)
Sheppard Avery
flgn727.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International 'Flying Colors' (Red)
Sheppard Avery
fcrd727.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International 'Flying Colors' (Orange)
Sheppard Avery
fcor727.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Blue Flying Colors)
Sheppard Avery
bi727fbl.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Blue Flying Colors) (QC)
Sheppard Avery
bi7qcfbl.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Green Flying Colors)
Sheppard Avery
bi727fgn.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Green Flying Colors) (QC)
Sheppard Avery
bi7qcfgn.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Orange Flying Colors)
Sheppard Avery
bi727for.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Orange Flying Colors) (QC)
Sheppard Avery
bi7qcfor.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Red Flying Colors)
Sheppard Avery
bi727frd.zip (AVSIM)
Braniff International
(Red Flying Colors) (QC)
Sheppard Avery
bi7qcfrd.zip (AVSIM)
Burkina Faso Government
Billy Rutherford
burkina_faso_b721.zip (AVSIM)
burkina7.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Charter America
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_charter_america.zip (AVSIM)
China Airlines
Lancer Wang
ai721cal.zip (AVSIM)
Continental Airlines (Meatball)
Henry Tomkiewicz
coa_ai.zip (AVSIM)
Continental/Air Micronesia
Henry Tomkiewicz
coa_ai.zip (AVSIM)
Contract Air Cargo
Matt C. Johnson
ai_b727-100_contract_air.zip (AVSIM)
Alexandre Alves
ai721crz.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Delta Airlines
Tony Fosler
aia721deltax.zip (AVSIM)
Tony Fosler
aia721venescar.zip (AVSIM)
Eastern Airlines
Henry Tomkiewicz
ealb721.zip (AVSIM)
Eastern Airlines (bare meta QCl)
Sheppard Avery
eaqcbmv2.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Eastern Airlines (bare metal fuselage)
Sheppard Avery
ea7sbev2.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Eastern Airlines (bare metal fuselage & engines)
Sheppard Avery
ea72bev2.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Eastern Airlines (gray top)
Sheppard Avery
ea72gyv2.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Eastern Airlines (modified white top QC)
Sheppard Avery
eaqcwtv2.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Eastern Airlines 'Whisperjet'
Sheppard Avery
ea_whisp1.zip (AVSIM)
Eastern Airlines 'Whisperjet' (variation)
Sheppard Avery
ea_whisp2_133773.zip (AVSIM)
Eastern Airlines (white top)
Sheppard Avery
ea72wlv2.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Eastern Airlines (white top QC)
Sheppard Avery
eaqcwlv2.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Emery Worldwide
Tony Fosler
aia721emery.zip (AVSIM)
Federal Express
Daniel DiBacco
aia721fe.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
First Air
Stephen Nicholson
aia_fab_727-100_tx.zip (AVSIM)
ai7271tx.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Frontier Horizon
Henry Tomkiewicz
flhb721.zip (AVSIM)
Fuerza Aerea Mexicana
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_fuerza_aerea_mexicana.zip (AVSIM)
HeavyLift Cargo Airlines
Andrew Jarvis
9l-lek.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Hewa Bora Airways
Andrew Jarvis
3d-boe.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Iran Shahbaz (EP-MRP)
Pantee Farhangi
aia_727_100_shahbaz_iran.zip (AVSIM)
ai72shah.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Jason King
ai_aardvark_b727-23_jege.zip (AVSIM)
Lineas Aereas Suramericanas
Tony Fosler
aia721lasur.zip (AVSIM)
Lloyd Aero Boliviana
Michael Pearson
av721lab.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Lloyd Aero Boliviano
William Prado
cra_b721_lab.zip (AVSIM)
Lloyd Aero Boliviano (new colors)
Hernan Anibarro
texture.llb_nc.zip (AVSIM)
Kabo Air
Andrew Jarvis
5n-awx.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Kam Air
Hernan Anibarro
aia_b721_kamair.zip (AVSIM)
ai721kam.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Key Air
Henry Tomkiewicz
keyb721.zip (AVSIM)
McClain Airlines
Henry Tomkiewicz
mcbb721.zip (AVSIM)
Mexicana (1970's)
Sheppard Avery
mx727ai5.zip (AVSIM)
MGM Grand
Henry Tomkiewicz
mgmb721.zip (AVSIM)
National Airlines 'Sunking' (late '70's)
Sheppard Avery
na727wra.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
National Airlines 'Sunking' (early '70's)
Sheppard Avery
na727bra.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Northern Air Cargo
Tony Fosler
aia721nac.zip (AVSIM)
Northwest Orient
Henry Tomkiewicz
nwab721.zip (AVSIM)
Pan Am
Tony Fosler
aia721panamz.zip (AVSIM)
Pan Am Clipper "A. Jay Cristol"
Roger Martin
texture.ajcristol.zip (AVSIM)
Pan Am Clipper "Bahamas"
Roger Martin
aia_727_100_pan_am_winglets.zip (AVSIM)
Pan Am Clipper "Guilford"
Roger Martin
texture.guilford.zip (AVSIM)
Pan Am Clipper "Lady Thatcher"
Roger Martin
texture.thatcher.zip (AVSIM)
Pan Am Clipper "Pathfinder"
Roger Martin
texture.pathfinder.zip (AVSIM)
Pan Am Clipper "Walt Helmer"
Roger Martin
texture.walthelmer.zip (AVSIM)
Tony Fosler
aia721panavia.zip (AVSIM)
Pride Air
Henry Tomkiewicz
nib721.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) 5B-DBE
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_private_5b-dbe.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) 5X-AMM
Andrew Jarvis
5x-amm.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
(Private) N400RG
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100w_private_n400rg.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) N727GG
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_private_n727gg.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) N727VJ
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100w_private_n727vj.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) N908JE
Tony Fosler
aia721n908je.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) P4-ONE
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_private_p4-one.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) VP-BGW
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_private_vp-bgw.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) VP-BNA
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_private_vp-bna.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) VP-CJN
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100w_private_vp-cjn.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) VP-CKA
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_private_vp-cka.zip (AVSIM)
(Private) VP-CMN
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_private_vp-cmn_135067.zip (AVSIM)
Michael Pearson
aav_b721_psa.zip (AVSIM)
PSA (1974)
Kristopher Crook
psa721_183307.zip (AVSIM)
Regent Air
Henry Tomkiewicz
4rb721.zip (AVSIM)
Republic of China Air Force
Lancer Wang
ai721rocaf.zip (AVSIM)
Roush Air LLC
Billy Rutherford
roush_air_llc_b721.zip (AVSIM)
Royal Nepal Airlines (dirty)
Andrew Jarvis
9n-aby.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Royal Nepal Airlines
Andrew Jarvis
9n-abv.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Royal Nepal Airlines
Andrew Jarvis
9n-abd.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Royal Nepal Airlines (cargo)
Andrew Jarvis
9n-abn.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Royal Pahang
Andrew Jarvis
9m-sas.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Bob Hughes
sabena_b727-100.zip (AVSIM)
Saudi Arabian Royal Flight
Alexis Solvay
aia721sva.zip (AVSIM)
Francesco Zoja
aia_727_100_sonair.zip (AVSIM)
Taesa (old)
Felipe Garcia
aia_b721_taesa_oc_as_32bit.zip (AVSIM)
Michael Pearson
aav_b721_tame.zip (AVSIM)
av721tam.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Roberto Zanolli
tbapttyj.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Transbrasil (1970)
Roberto Zanolli
tba727o.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Transbrasil (1980)
Roberto Zanolli
tba727nc.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Transbrasil 'green-wing'
Roberto Zanolli
tbapttyq.zip (FLIGHTSIM)
Trans World Airlines (TWA)
Henry Tomkiewicz
twab721.zip (AVSIM)
Triax Airways
Andrew Jarvis
5n-tke.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Trump (VP-BDJ)
J.G. van Zuuk
aia721trump.zip (AVSIM)
Trump Shuttle
Sheppard Avery
ts727rai.zip  ( AVSIM )  (FLIGHTSIM)
United Airlines (fleet, early 80's)
Henry Tomkiewicz
ual_ai.zip (AVSIM)
United Breweries Holdings
Jason King
aia-b727-100w_unitedbreweries.zip (AVSIM)
UPS (new) (Tay engines)
Daniel DiBacco
aia721un.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
UPS (old) (Tay engines)
Daniel DiBacco
aia721uo.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
US Air (white)
Sheppard Avery
us72wtv2.zip (AVSIM) (FLIGHTSIM)
Roberto Zanolli
aiarg727.zip (FLIGHTSIM)