B-17G-80-VE 44-8471 "Winged Warrior"
The actual painting (in progress)
I'm going to be posting photos here of the painting as it gets painted. For the time being, this will be very much like a blog, with the most recent posts at the top. |
Sept. 8
Did a little work on the top and chin turrets tonight. Also worked on the 2 side windows in the nose, though obviously I'm going to need to work on them some more since the shapes seem a little wonky. Probably won't be working on this again till Monday. I am going to be working at an Air Show in Winston-Salem this weekend, running people through a Piedmont Airlines DC-3. |
Sept. 7
Missed painting for a few days over Labor Day. Also, I had to go to Fayetteville, NC to do some scenic painting for a play almost no one has ever heard of. I brought the painting with me, bought a pretty nice easel for $50, and tonight set up in the basement of the house I'm staying in while I'm here. Worked on the forward fuselage tonight, refining and adding the side cockpit windows back in. From looking at these pictures, I already see something I need to fix on the nacelle being reflected in the fuselage. |
Sept. 2
Painted almost a full day today. Worked on the #4 nacelle some more, then proceeded down the wings doing 3, 2 and 1. |
Aug 31
Got to put in about 3 hours this evening. Worked on the #4 nacelle and the forward fuselage. It's starting to show some glimmers of hope. |
The nacelle is a little over worked, I'll have to knock this down a bit later. |
One benefit from working from a computer generated image, is that you can go back and do different versions so that details show up better for painting purposes. I made some changes last night so that all the lines and rivets would show up really well. All other painted elements, like the red stripe or olive drab on the nacelles were faded enough so that they wouldn't conceal anything. Also turned off reflections and cast shadows. |
Aug 30
Worked on the olive drab parts this morning. Mixed up a better version of OD than I was using yesterday, using the same 2 colors the US Army used to use: Black and Yellow Ochre. Also started cleaning up the #4 nacelle and cowling (far left). Things are progressing much slower than would be usual even for me. But, because of the Children s Museum painting, I'm only able to work on this for a couple of hours every morning. |
Aug 29
Worked on cowlings today. Figured the openings should be round instead of wonky. |
Aug 28
Worked on all 3 B-17's today. Now the painting is at the stage where nothing happens very quickly. |
Aug 27
Yesterday, Aug 26, I didn't do much, just cleaned up the blocked in Kimmie Kar slightly. Today, I roughed in the main B-17, Winged Warrior. Not much to look at at this stage, but has to be done before the fun stuff can happen. |
Meanwhile, painting at the Children's Museum is finally starting to look like something. So far, I'm mainly in charge of stone work. This is 3 photos pieced together. |
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Copyright 2010 - David Rawlins