B-17G-80-VE 44-8471 "Winged Warrior"

Miscellaneous Parts

These are parts that aren't the engine or stuff in the nose.

An early render of the ball turret. I especially got carried away in the cradle assembly that rotates the turret.

Quick and dirty .50 caliber Brownings. I slapped these together in about 4 hours figuring they didn't have to be all that detailed since for the most part they'ed all be behind plexi in the dark interior.

A main wheel. Yes, I know that when the gear is retracted you only see a section of the rubber part below the nacelle. But I figured that at some future point in time I might lower the gear for a different painting.

The criss-cross tire tread isn't perfect, it should shallow out as it wraps around to the side walls. But that was going to be difficult to model, and this would get the job done for my purposes.


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Copyright 2010 - David Rawlins